Mon, 20 Oct 2008 12:41:52 -0400
You're correct. My mistake in misspelling Dickinson.
I'm sure everyone has family legends that are told from generation to
generation. In my family "history," the legend claims that we are related to
William Cody. I remember my mom saying he was my great grandmother's
sister's son. My maternal grandparents always told us that, but that link
didn't come up for my "famous ancestors." And my own research has turned up
Another interesting thing that I've discovered in my family tree development
is that I am a total "mutt." Much of what my family "believed" is not the
case, but still others are.I always thought I was about half germanic and
half Irish. Turns out I'm about 75% English. It is ironic.?
Regarding the others claims to literary genius, does not have
ALL the authors in the same lineage. Hawthorne is on my paternal side and
Twain is on my maternal side. Of Twain and my mother's connection, says my mother's 9th great grandmother was Twain's 4th great
grandmother, Elizabeth Walker (1680-1725).?