Sun, 2 Dec 2001 22:32:41 -0800
Friends, I'm finding it harder every week to slog through the Forum messages
that come to me via my weekly digest package. The problem is unnecessary
redundancy, and this week's batch of messages was as tedious to get through
as any I've ever seen. Some of the same messages appeared two, three, maybe
even four times.
Please ... when you reply to a message on the Forum, DO NOT REPEAT the text
of the original message. It's possible to set your email so that it doesn't
automatically repeat messages to which you reply. If you cannot, or choose
not to, reset your email, then please take the extra trouble to delete the
text of the old message before you send your own note to the Forum. If you
fear that people receiving your message won't understand it out of context,
then SUMMARIZE the previous message as concisely as possible.