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Sat, 27 Jan 2024 10:17:44 -0800
Schloss Hotel in Heidelberg is mentioned in Baedeker’s “The Rhine from
Rotterdam to Constance”, 1878 edition but is not found in the 1886
edition – except for being identified on an included map. Twain’s own
description of “long, narrow, high-ceiled bird-cages hung against the
building.” is the best I’ve found for this location but I’d like to know
more. If there are any members of Twain-L that know more about or know
of sources about the Schloss Hotel, I’d appreciate learning of them.
Baedeker’s mention is brief: *SCHLOSS HOTEL. And PENSION, with fine
view, R. from 3.#, L. 50, A. 50 pf., omnibus to meet the trains, cab
from station 3.# 50 pf.
I had to look up what a PENSION is and it seems likely the Clemens
family stayed there on pensioner terms.
/*Unaffiliated Geographer and Twain aficionado*/
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