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Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Jim Leonard <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 29 May 2010 15:22:40 -0400
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Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
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In looking back over my e-mail records, I find that no one (and I'm the principal guilty party in this) has sent out a notice to Forum-readers that the Mark Twain Walk will actually begin at 2:45 at the Hyatt (Drumm Street street-level door).  Probably it will reach the Transamerica Building by about 3:00, and will rendezvous with anyone who went there directly, which is when and where my previous message indicated the Walk would begin.  --Jim L. 


From: Mark Twain Forum on behalf of Jim Leonard
Sent: Thu 5/27/2010 7:18 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Mark Twain Walk at ALA

The current plan is for the First Biennial San Francisco Mark Twain Walk =
(notice a certain comparability to the Quadrennial Elmira Mark Twain =
Smoke-Off) to begin this Saturday at 3:00 p.m.  According to Richard =
Reineccius, our Twain-walking expert, "The Walk will start at Mark Twain =
Place, a short alley next to the infamous TransAmerica Pyramid building, =
near the Hyatt. It's where stood The Occidental Hotel, the place where =
he lived as he became famous for the frog tale and the pilgrimage story, =
and perhaps where he considered suicide." =20


By poring over the pertinent Google Map, I've concluded that the =
TransAmerica Pyramid building is six blocks from the Hyatt:  one block =
north on Drumm St.; five blocks west on Clay St.  If you get lost, just =
look up, and you'll probably see the TransAmerica Building.  Then walk =
around the Transamerica building (I didn't count that in the six blocks) =
until you see a group of disreputable-looking people that you assume =
must be Twain-walkers.  (I've noticed that there's no shortage of =
disreputable-looking people in downtown San Francisco, but I'm assuming =
you can tell Twain-walkers from the others.)


When last consulted on the matter, Richard Reineccius indicated that he =
plans to be present at the Mark Twain Circle Business Meeting tomorrow =
(9:30 a.m.; Pacific A) to give further information.  --Jim Leonard