Sun, 8 Aug 2010 15:14:04 -0500
text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
I can't find any evidence either, but maybe somebody else knows where to
look. The three ED bios on my ref shelf are no help, nor the two Beecher
Maybe it's best Beecher never got too close to Emily. Just ask Mrs Tilden,
or perhaps Mrs Moses Beach who actually had his baby (yes, the wife of the
fellow Twain met as a fellow passenger on the Quaker City excursion)..
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Courtney" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2010 1:13 PM
Subject: Henry & Emily
> Kevin - I couldn't come across any evidence that Dickinson and Beecher
> ever=
> met either=2C after rashly naming him (I figured the fact you called him
> a=
> "Presbyterian" minister was a red herring to put us off the scent=2C as
> he=
> was a Congregationalist but of course could=2C and did=2C serve as the
> pas=
> tor of Presbyterian churches.)
> =20
> The closest I came just now in a brief frenzy of Googling was the fact
> that=
> she heard him speak at the 1862 Amherst commencement=2C noted in
> Christoph=
> er Benfey's "A Summer of Hummingbirds." And of course=2C as you note=2C he
> =
> was a family friend. But that doesn't supply the face-to-face encounter
> you=
> required. Unless someone else supplies it=2C I am happy to withdraw from
> t=
> he field and congratulate the two real winners!
> =20
> Cheers=2C
> Steve
> Steve Courtney
> 7 Union St.
> Terryville=2C CT 06786
> 860-589-6412
> [log in to unmask]
> =
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