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Fri, 25 Mar 2005 02:10:10 EST
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P.S. --

Among the books not mentioned in the recommended books on Twain was Shelley
Fishkin's "Lighting Out for the Territory," a really fine, and often very
funny, exploration of Sam's place in, and influence upon, our culture.
    I've written at least a dozen pieces in one form or another in that same
context on Sam over the last decade or so. In one of them, I interviewed
Lapham of Harper's (this was in '96 or '97) after he published a rather
excoriating essay on AHF by, gack, I forget, which stirred up quite a stew.
readily admitted, however, that he was a sucker for controversy and was
by the responses from all sides.
     I paraphrase, but he said in effect that the controversy still
percolates on after 130 years is perhaps the best tribute that could be paid

Kathy O'Connell