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Kenneth Sanderson <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 29 Oct 1996 17:04:32 -0800
TEXT/PLAIN (22 lines)
Mr. Koechig:

_American Drolleries_ is BAL 3652.

The Mark Twain Papers has a copy of _American Drolleries_ (Port Sunlight:
Lever Bros., [n.d.]) that appears to be identical to BAL 3652 except for
the imprint. The first half of _American Drolleries_ is printed from
plates of the Hotten _Jumping Frog_, [1870] (not [1867?] as BAL 3587 has
it), and the second half from plates of the Hotten _Screamers_, [1871],
BAL 3333. In the absence of any solid evidence, I'd guess the Lever Bros.
_American Drolleries_ might have been printed as late as 1900.

Incidentally, MTP also has a copy of _The Jumping Frog and Other Humorous
Sketches_ (London: Ward, Lock & Co., [n.d.]) that is also printed from
plates of the Hotten _Jumping Frog_.

Ken Sanderson
Mark Twain Papers
The Bancroft Library
Univ. of Calif.
Berkeley, CA 94720