----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
[Posted on behalf of the organizing committee for the ESHET  
Conference. -- RBE] 
ESHET Members: This is just to remind you that you have the  
opportunity to register at a lower conference fee for the Fourth  
Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of  
Economic Thought (ESHET) in Graz, Austria, 24-27 February  
2000, until 15 January 2000. Please make sure that you benefit  
from the lower rate in case you intend to participate in the  
conference. (Those that have already registered may ignore this  
You will find detailed information on our web site: 
On behalf of the Organising Committee I wish you a Happy New Year!  
We look forward to seeing you soon. 
Heinz D. Kurz 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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