----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Dear Fellows, 
A symposium on Joan Robinsons's writings and influence is organized  
on March 16-17, 2000 by the Laboratoire Redeploiement Industriel et  
Innovation from the Universite du Littoral, in Dunkirk (France).   
I guess it could interest many researchers. If so, you can find some  
information--in French--on the following website:   
All the presentations will be either in English, or translated from French  
to English. It is expected that the proceedings will be published, in  
French in a special issue of the review "Innovations" (L'Harmattan,  
Paris) and maybe in English (depending on publishing opportunities).   
For additional information (or an English booklet), please contact me. 
Renaud Bellais 
Laboratoire Redeploiement Industriel et Innovation 
email: [log in to unmask] 
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