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Published by EH.NET (February 2000) 
Steven P. Reti, _Silver and Gold: The Political Economy of International 
Monetary Conferences, 1867-1892_. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. x + 
214 pp. $59.95 (cloth), ISBN: 0-313-30409-2. 
Reviewed for EH.NET by John H. Wood, Department of Economics, Wake Forest 
University. <[log in to unmask]> 
Two important sets of economic and political data lay behind and condition 
the meetings described in this book: after falling from 15.93 to 15.19 
between 1843 and 1859, the market ratio of silver to gold rose to 15.57 in 
1867, 23.72 in 1892, and 39.15 in 1902 (Table. 1); and the western world 
discontinued the coinage of silver and followed Britain onto the gold 
The book is an interesting account of the international monetary 
conferences of 1867, 1878, 1881, and 1892, and is recommended to anyone who 
wishes to become informed of diplomatic efforts to resist the dominant 
market and political forces reflected in the above data. The first 
conference, of representatives of twenty leading commercial nations, 
convened in Paris at the invitation of Emperor Louis Napoleon and agreed to 
recommend to their governments formal negotiations toward a common gold 
coinage. The Conference of 1867 "marked the pinnacle of success for 
international coinage advocates" (p. 45), but its recommendations received 
little support at home. Governments were reluctant to be seen to tinker 
with the contents of their coins, and significant bimetallic sentiment of 
the silver interests undermined support for a universal gold coinage. 
The other three conferences were convened at the invitation of United 
States government under pressure from domestic silver interests to arrest 
the decline of silver, primarily by adopting a bimetallic standard with a 
fixed silver/gold ratio that greatly overvalued the former. The 
Bland-Allison Act of 1878 directed the Treasury to buy and coin $2 million 
to $4 million of silver per month and the President to invite such "nations 
as he may deem advisable to join the United States in a conference to adopt 
a common ratio between gold and silver for the purposes of establishing, 
internationally, the use of bimetallic money and securing fixity of 
relative value between those metals." None of the conferences rallied 
material support for this goal, although there was some brief European 
sentiment in that direction after the large gold flow to the United States 
in 1879-80. 
The story is well told, but the author's efforts to increase its importance 
by tying it to various theories of how gold came to dominate world finance 
are unconvincing. His purpose is to correct the impressions that the gold 
standard regime arose "spontaneously as states responded to silver 
depreciation in an uncoordinated but similar fashion" and was "a case of 
international cooperation arising without international negotiation" (p. 
33). He "examines spontaneous [market?] and [British] hegemonic 
explanations  and argues that a coordination-game explanation of the 
classical gold standard possesses greater validity." Cooperation in the 
latter setting "is by no means assured" because the parties may "disagree 
about the appropriate conventions, or focal point, to coordinate policies. 
The challenge of developing and maintaining a focal point is the central 
concern of this book. The monetary conferences under investigation were 
concerned about the appropriate point to fix exchange rates" (p. 5). 
An alternative approach seems both simpler and more fruitful. Ask the 
following questions: Did any of the last three conferences have a chance? 
What would have become of the international monetary system if the American 
silver interests had gotten their way? The first must be answered in the 
negative because important economic and political interests saw chaos in 
the second. 
Agents desire predictability in the settlement of contracts and are averse 
to accepting payment in a depreciating currency. The aversion was not 
limited to British lenders. Those wanting credit needed to promise 
repayment in sound money. That is as true today as in the nineteenth 
The supporters of so-called "bimetallism" were not interested in a workable 
bimetallic system with a market-responsive ratio (as in Arthur J. Rolnick 
and Warren E. Weber, "Gresham's Law or Gresham's Fallacy?" _Journal of 
Political Economy_, Feb. 1986). They wanted support for silver, a 
redistribution of wealth to silver producers and to borrowers wanting to 
repay gold debts in a depreciating currency. A freely convertible 
bimetallic system with a market-violating ratio is bound to fail (as the 
United States was reminded in 1893, when President Cleveland called 
Congress to repeal the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890). Furthermore, 
complaints of a shortage of money were senseless because more money 
generates its own demand through higher prices. The Asian crisis of a 
hundred years later was a reminder that there may even be a shortage of 
money in a fiat paper system when borrowers have promised more than they 
can deliver. 
All this was known in contemporary private and government circles. The 
impression of a system formed by market forces without the benefit of 
conferences called to mollify silver interests might be the best one after 
John H. Wood is author (with Jac Heckelman) of "Federal Reserve Membership 
and the Banking Act of 1935: An Application to the Theory of Clubs," in Jac 
Heckelman, John Moorhouse and Robert Whaples, editors, _ Public Choice 
Interpretations of American Economic History_ (Kluwer, 1999). His 
forthcoming book is titled _"A Company of Merchants:" A History of the 
Theories and Ideas That Have Shaped Monetary Policy_. 
Copyright (c) 2000 by EH.NET and H-Net. All rights reserved. This work may 
be copied for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to the 
author and the list. For other permission, please contact the EH.NET 
Administrator ([log in to unmask]; Telephone: 513-529-2850; Fax: 
513-529-3308). Published by EH.NET (February 2000) 
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