----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Call for papers 
The 2000 meetings of the International Network for Economic  
Method will be held on 29 June 2000 at the University of British  
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.  Abstracts of papers (no more than  
200 words) or proposals for sessions on any aspect of economic  
methodology, the philosophy or sociology of science applied to  
economics, or other areas of interest to economic methodologists  
should be sent before 1 April 2000 to Kevin D. Hoover, Chair,  
INEM, Department of Economics, University of California, Davis,  
CA 95616-8578 or, by e-mail, to [log in to unmask] or, fax,  
(530) 752-9382.  Papers presented at the conference may also be  
submitted to the Journal of Economic Methodology.  Inquiries from  
those willing to act as discussants or wishing to attend  
independently are also encouraged.  The conference will take place  
the day before the annual meetings of the History of Economics  
Society, also in Vancouver.  Housing is available on the UBC  
campus on a first-come-first-served basis and will be coordinated  
with HES for those wishing to attend both conferences.   
Kevin D. Hoover 
Professor of Economics and Chair         
Department of Economics          
University of California    
Davis, California 95616-8578 
Tel. (530) 752-2129 
Fax  (530) 752-9382 
E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
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