----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
If it is Howard R. Bowen then a likely candidate is the Bowen  
discussed by Solberg, W.U. and Tomlinson, R.W. 1997.  
"Academic McCarthyism and Keynesian Economics: The Bowen  
Controversy at the University of Illinois," History of Political  
Economy, 29.1, Spring, 55-81.   
I am currently writing about a research project on "Expectations  
and Business Fluctuations" which was based at the University of  
Illinois and which Bowen recruited Modigliani to lead.  If my  
argument is correct then two divergent branches of economics -  
rational expectations and bounded rationality - emanated not from  
the Graduate School of Industrial Administration (GSIA) of the  
Carnegie Institute of Technology in the late 1950s and 1960s but  
from this University of Illinois research project in the early 1950s.   
Any information and suggestions will be gratefully received.       
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