----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
International Network for Economic Method   
Biannual Conference, 30 June 2000, University of British Columbia 
Vancouver, B.C., Canada 
Registration is now open for the Biannual Conference of the  
International Network for Economic Methodology.  Further  
information, including a Registration Form, Accommodation  
Information, and an Accommodation Form are downloadable from  
the INEM website at :  www.econmethodology.org/inem.     
Accommodation arrangements are coordinated so that people also  
wishing to attend the History of Economic Society can use the  
same accommodation. Accommodation is available 29 June to 3  
July 2000.   
Tentative conference schedule: 
        30 June 2000 
        Registration:  7:30-8:00 AM 
        Session I:  8:00-10:00 AM 
        Break:  10:00-10:15 AM 
        Session II:  10:15 AM-12:15 PM 
        Luncheon: 12:30-2:00 PM:  Richard Lipsey, Distinguished Lecturer 
        Session III: 2:30-4:30 PM 
Depending on the number of papers accepted, there may be  
multiple sessions. The closing deadline for paper proposals is 1  
April 2000.  (The Call for Papers is also found on the INEM  
website:   www.econmethodology.org/inem. Acceptances will be  
sent out no later than one week after that date.  A more detailed  
schedule will be made available at that time. The first HES event is  
scheduled for 6:00 PM on 30 June.  So this schedule should allow  
those wishing to attend ample time to make the transition.   
This conference, the first independent conference sponsored by  
INEM, is an important milestone for the community of economic  
methodologists.  I look forward to your participation.   
Yours sincerely, 
Kevin D. Hoover, Chairman 
International Network for Economic Method 
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