*** Dear Dr. Payanotov,
I have forwarded your request to a few international listservs in
health promotion (sorry for crosspostings...). Interested people can
get directly in touch with you. Good luck. Michel O'Neill. ***

>From: [log in to unmask]
>X-Sender: [log in to unmask]
>X-Priority: 1 (Highest)
>Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 14:23:18 +0200
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: "The health of Romani people Foundation '
>Cc: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
>       Dear Mr Garry,
>  I am Dr Stefan Panayotov .I am a psychiatrist.Let me introduceto you in
>brief our civic organisation which is called " The Health of
>Romani/Gypsy/ people "/please take more details from the attached covering
>letter/ **** (see below. M.O.) ****.
>  We will be very glad to communicate with you because our prime goal is to
>create and implement health promotion system among Roma
>ghettos in Bulgaria.We hope that you will share your experience on this
> Me and my friend -Dr Zeliazko Manolov who is a general practitioner in the
>Roma ghetto "Nadejda" in the town of Sliven , we took part in international
>seminar on Paris last year concerning health promotional issues/Proect-
> Because we will be  general practitioners in this ghetto we will need some
>information about grantseeking, programs, networks
>etc.We rely on ourselves as a human Roma medical resources but we need also
>some medical furniture, some vital drugs etc.
>We will appreciate any suggestion you can make or any assistance you can give.
>  Awaiting news from you soon
>        Best regards
>             Dr Stefan Panayotov MD

                                    "The     Health of Romani people "
Dr.Stefan  Panayotov  MD
Dr.Zeliazko  Manolov  MD
    (chairman )
(Member of  Managing  Council)
62,San  Stefano  str.
41-D-2, "Bulgarka " quart.
8800    Sliven, Bulgaria
8800 Sliven, Bulgaria
Home  phone -359 44 3-81-75
Home phone: 359 44 8-81-36
                                             Phone/Fax: 359 44 3-70-65
                                         E- mail :[log in to unmask]

                 The Foundation was funded on May, 15-th,1999 with
leading participation of two  Romani
Medical doctors -a psychiatrist and a general practitioner.One of the
main purposes of the Foundation is to make easier the
Implementation of health promotion system among Roma communities  and
to improve the health    state  of the  Romani people at all.

              Our principle priorities  are as follows :
1.Conducting of  health surveys  regarding  the main  risk factors
in  Roma  communities.
2.Organizing of meetings,seminars and  putting into  practice of the
projects  and  programs for  health
   promotion and  sexual  education  in Romani  population.
3.Family planning and  protection  of  women's  reproductive health .
4.Psychoprophilaxis  and  treatment  of  mental  disorders .
5.Prevention,diagnostics  and  treatment  of  the social-significant
diseases  concerning  the Roma
6.Prevention,diagnostics  and treatment  of  dependent  behavior -
alcohol  abuse,drug habits,
   patological inclination  for  gambling  etc.
7.Participation in the health  reform  with  regard   to  specific
features  of the  Roma  communitues.
8.Humanitarian help of Roma communities with foods and medicaments
9.Improving of the sanitation of the Roma ghettos
10.Publishing activity concerning scientific researches and elaborations


Une tres bonne journee !

Michel O'Neill, Ph.D.

Professeur titulaire et Codirecteur, Groupe de recherche et d'intervention
en promotion de la sante (GRIPSUL), Faculte des Sciences infirmieres;
Codirecteur, Centre quebecois collaborateur de l'OMS pour le developpement
de villes et villages en sante / Quebec WHO Collaborating Center for the
development of healthy cities and towns;
4108-J Pavillon Comtois, Universite Laval, Quebec, Qc, Canada, G1K 7P4.
tel: +1-(418)-656-2131 #7431; telecopieur: +1-(418)-656-7747
Courrier electronique: [log in to unmask]