Fellow Twainians -- This came from the SHARP-L list, a History of the Book list run out of U. Indiana. I think its interest to Twain-Web is self-evident. George Robinson Author, "Essential Judaism" (published in hardcover by Pocket Books, 3/14/00) Carol Digel wrote: > > One of the most fascinating items for sale at the Oregon Book Fair was "A > Salesman's Prospectus for 'Life on the Mississippi' " by Samuel Clemens > (1883), offered by Phillip J. Pirages ( http://www.pirages.com ) for > $3,000. > > This multi-panel hardcover sales kit opens to reveal separate leaves in front > and back on which samples of the spine - in "deluxe" Morocco, sheepskin and > calf bindings - have been glued with such care that you can almost read the > indentations made in the endpapers the samples rest against. > > The kit includes text with illustrations and, sewn onto the back, pages > for names of readers agreeing to buy it, as well as their choice of bindings. > Best of all, a separate sheet has been retained called "Notes to Canvassers." > > This, again, is the kind of material a book critic would pull out and > throw away, but thank heaven no one did: The Canvasser Notes offer a rare > glimpse of traditions in book selling (the salesmen sold this book > door-to-door > rather than to bookstores). They are intriguing for their use of > language, respect for "product" and understanding of the haggard sales rep in > the field. > > You know the myth that editors want to see only a part of a book before > they make a bid on it because they don't want to spoil their own hopes by > viewing the whole manuscript? Apparently readers were regarded the same way > in Twain's time. > > "It is always easier to canvass with a subscription book containing specimen > pages of the work than by taking and selling the work itself," the Canvasser > Notes explain. "Time is saved, which would often be vainly spent in allowing > persons to look over the volume. The labor of carrying > the greater weight is spared. People will much more readily agree to take > a book at some future point than to pay for it at once." > > The Notes offer good ideas for any "canvasser" in the book biz, then or > now: "Enter with confidence upon your work. As you have a really good book, > you know that you are conferring a benefit upon those whom you persuade to > purchase it. ..Make yourself thoroughly familiar with the book, the author, > the publisher's description . . Illiterate agents even are frequently > very successful from the pains they take to be able to talk freely and > understandingly about the work they have for sale." > > Canvassers were expected to stir up their own publicity, stay disciplined > and "work" the streets in a professorly manner. They were not to "rove > about," as Twain himself might have instructed with a grin. > > "In commencing the canvas of a place, try to secure the good will and > editorial commendation of the local journal, if necessary by the promise > of a book. . . Enter upon a faithful and systematic house-to-house > canvassing . .. Do not rove about but proceed regularly, neglecting no house, > store or shop. > > "Never attempt to canvass among groups or crowds in the street - find > your customers at their homes or places of business. Always learn the name of > the occupant before entering a house. Never disturb a man who is busy. Accost > everyone politely, and keep your temper under all circumstances, > remembering that your object of interest is not yourself but your book." > > F. O. C. Darley illustrated Twain's "The Gilded Age." > > Carol Digel > [log in to unmask] > www.focdarley.org