----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Robin wrote: 
> Would it have been Derrida who would have written the history of 
> economics by uncovering the effective contextualization of the term  
> in different periods?    
Doesn't this sort of thing predate Derrida?   
As I understand it, the debate over historicism arose when terms and  
concepts like 'price' and 'money' were contextualized into different  
historical periods, with the implication that there could be no science of  
economics which applied univerally across time and space, in the way  
that the natural sciences do.   
I know some of the economists and philosophers who argued against  
this view, but I am less clear about the names & identities of the  
individuals whom they were arguing against.  If Derrida wasn't the first  
to contextualize words and concepts into different periods, who was?   
Did this take place outside of economics first, and then was taken up  
as a theoretical outlook by folks thinking about wealth, production,  
trade & exchange?   
Greg Ransom 
MiraCosta College 
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