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The Bator and Mishan articles, as well as Graaff's book, are perhaps  
the best suggestions.  Let me add the following references:   
For the older (pre-1930s) material: 
G. Myrdal (1929, 1953) The Political Element in the Development of Economic 
Theory. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 
Hla Myint (1948) Theories of Welfare Economics. London: 
which deal quite well with the early history of the subject. 
For surveys concentrating on the more recent materials, there is the  
very accessible  elementary undergraduate text:   
Robin Boadway and Neil Bruce (1984) Welfare Economics. Blackwell. 
and the more advanced surveys collected in: 
K.J. Arrow and M.D. Intriligator (1983) Handbook of Mathematical Economics, 
Volume 3. Amsterdam: North-Holland. 
J.J. Laffont (1988) Fundamentals of Public Economics.  Cambridge, Mass: MIT 
Goncalo Fonseca 
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