----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
The great philosopher Aristotle writes many theories on Economics,  
including economic planning and growth, in his work.    
Aristotle used the work ECONOMIST and ECONOMICS, also there  
are some scripts with the title "Oeconomica" written by him or by his  
There were also many economists (more than 300) on Alexander the  
Great campaign some of them are:   
1. Ktisias from Kindo, work "Tax in Asia" (Technical of Alexander the  
Great, p. 257).   
2. Xenokles, works, "Government Planning" (Technical of Alexander  
the Great, p. 263).   
3. Xenocrates, works "About Richmanhood", "Economics",  
"Logistics", etc (Technical of Alexander the Great, p. 263).   
In ancient hellenic scripts there are about 430 works about economics.  
Many of them use the word "economist".   
Gregory Zorzos 
Economics Researcher 
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