We are interested in establishing a specialist research library for our area
of work.  The main reason for doing this is that most of what we use are
specific journal articles (not the whole journal which is all that is
usually catalogued)and articles from the internet.  Often what strikes us is
only an aspect of an article.

To capture this better we are developing a thesaurus for our needs.  We have
some 3,000 articles so you see it is not a small job.  A thesaurus is a
controlled vocabulary for descriptive cataloguing thus making searching very
much more effective.  To give an idea of our research and analysis areas
here are some subject areas.  We work in the public health sector.

health promotion
community development
social capital
capacity building
social determinants
SES factors
health gain
risk conditions
risk factors
training in competencies
economic capacity
decision making

I would like to know of any special library that may have this focus, or
anyone developing a thesaurus relevant to this area.



Alan Sutherland
Health Promotion Policy Officer
Strategic Analysis and Research
Strategic and Corporate Support Division
Department of Health and Human Services
PO Box 125B, Hobart
AUSTRALIA       7000

Phone: (03) 6233 3147
FAX:     (03) 6233 2899
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Australian International:
011 + 61 + 3 + (eight digit call number)