Several Tasmanian agencies (Government and community) have organised a forum
on walking (Spring into Walking) at which we bring together agencies, groups
and people to talk about walking and walking groups. Tasmania like many
states of Australia has many walking groups for different purposes and which
targets different sorts of people.  I am doing a short presentation on
national and international developments.

 I would like to hear from anyone on the list about walking for health,
walking and mental health benefits or about walking designed for people
living with a mental disorder/ condition (how wordy) or other conditions.
Following the forum on 10 August I will post a short version of the
presentation covering what I have learned.  Some ideas I have come across
about innovative groups are:

*       children's' walking group: "developing language" walks in
partnerships with local schools and kindergartens by  creating maps and
showing highlights.  The aim is to encourage "chatting" which is a key
ingredient to successful groups.
*       older people group: combining city and country people in walks, lead
by local people with knowledge of the area.
*       Chicago "walking" trains: children join a group of children walking
to and from school with adult leader.  Provides safety and encourages

The wider issues about walking I have obtained from the UK site:



Alan Sutherland
Health Promotion Policy Officer
Strategic Analysis and Research
Strategic and Corporate Support Division
Department of Health and Human Services
PO Box 125B, Hobart
AUSTRALIA       7000

Phone: (03) 6233 3147
FAX:     (03) 6233 2899
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Australian International:
011 + 61 + 3 + (eight digit call number)