----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Here is an inquiry from the ASK THE PROFESSOR service for  
which I could use some assistance. The inquirer is a deputy  
minister in a European government who has been asked to present  
a lecture on dynamic analysis in economics, and its evolutionary  
feature in the post Keynesian era. The lecture will be for an  
undergraduate audience. The individual asks: 
I know the technical features of dynamic anaysis in mathematical  
and macro economics as well as in econometrics, but I think what  
may satisfy that BA student is more about the answer in economic  
thought and history as well as in the area of the philosophy of  
economics. My knowledge in this field is poor and your help could  
be useful for me.   
Responses submitted to the list will be forwarded to the individual  
as well. 
Ross Emmett 
Editor, HES list 
Augustana University College 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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