Hello everyone,

A while back I asked if anyone on the listserve had information/tools
pertaining to the evaluation of coalitions.  I got a lot of feedback and
have finally summarized the emails that were sent to me directly.  If
anyone knows of any more tools, please let me know.  Sorry this has taken
so long....  A big thank you to everyone who responded, I really appreciate
your feedback.

Here it goes....


Abatena, H. (1997). The significance of planned community participation in
problem solving and developing a viable community capability.  Journal of
Community Practice, 4 (2), 13-34.

Butterfoss, F.D. et al. (1996) Community coalitions for prevention and
health promotion: Factors predicting satisfaction, participation, and
planning. Health Education Quarterly, 23 (1) 65-79.

Goodman, R.M. et al. (1998) Identifying and defining the dimensions of
community capacity to provide a basis for measurment. Health Education &
Behavior, 25 (3), 258-278.

Goldstein, S. (1997). Community Coalitions: A Self-assessment Tool. ,
American Journal of Health Promotion, 11(6) p. 430-435.

Coalition evaluation survey in Minkler, M. 1997, Community Organizing and
Community Building for health

Butterfoss, Frances D., Goodman, Robert M., & Wandersman, Abraham (1993).
Community coalitions for prevention and health promotion. Health Education
Research, 8(3), 315-330.

Black, T. R. (1983). Coalition building: Some suggestions. Child Welfare,
63(3), 263-267.

Dluhy, M. J. (1990). Building coalitions in the human services. Newbury
Park, CA: Sage.

Francisco, Vincent T., Paine, Adrienne L., & Fawcett. Stephen B. (199?) A
methodology for monitoring and evaluating community health
coalitions.Health Education Research, 8(3), 403-416.

Healthy Lifestyles Promotion Program (1990). Building effective coalitions
training module: Participant's workbook. Community Health Promotion in
Action, Health Information Centre. Toronto, Ontario: Ontario Ministry of

How to build and manage a healthy coalition (1999, July). Based on lessons
learned along the way by Algoma Best Start. 3rd edition.  (15pp)

WEBPAGES with very useful information:

The University of Wisconsin Extension Department has a wonderful
publication on its website, called "Evaluating Collaboratives".
Here's the url for evaluating coalitions. (pdf doc)

Other evaulation documents including Evaluating Collaboratives:

Working together: intersectoral action for health June 1995 Commonwealth of
Australia. Elizabeth Harris, Marilyn Wise, Penelope Hawe, Penelope Finlay,
Don Nutbeam
AUD15.00  The full report on which it is based can be ordered from:

Community Tool Box: http://ctb.lsi.ukans.edu

Partnership Guidelines from the Alberta Public Health Association :


Sandra Newton
Greater Kingston Area Safe & Sober Community Alliance
c/o KFL&A Health Unit
221 Portsmouth Avenue
Kingston ONTARIO  K7M 1V5

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