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Centre d'Etudes des Mutations Européennes (CEME) 
International symposium 
"The legitimization  of  economic  discourse" 
Friday  8  and  Saturday  9,  June  2001 
Organized by : 
Bernard Maris, Professor, IEE, University of Paris 8 
Philippe Jeannin, Professor, University of Toulouse 3 
Administrative coordination : 
Colette Le Hénaff 
Institut d'études européennes 
Scientific committee : 
Alain Alcouffe (Univ. Toulouse 1), Jean-Pierre Boissin (Univ. Grenoble), Jean-Yves Caro
(Univ. Paris 2), Gilles Dostaler (Uqam, Montréal), Pierre Dockès (Univ. Lyon 2), Olivier
Favereau (Univ. Paris X), Marion Fourcade-Gourinchas (Princeton University), François
Fourquet (Univ. Paris 8), Frédéric Lordon (Cepremap), François Morin (Univ. Toulouse 1),
André Orléan (ENS Paris), Dominique Plihon (Univ. Paris XIII), Michel Rainelli (Univ. de
Topic : 
Economics, as a science, constructs itself by building concepts which are legitimized by
the scientific community of economists.Thus, the history of economic science highlights
the broad stages of its construction as an autonomous discipline, its maturation, and
self-autonomy in the working of an original formal and conceptual apparatus. But
economics, as a common language of business and consumption, is also used - whether
valorised or devalorised - by media and economic agents in their daily practice. In such a
way that the borders between (legitimate) scientific economics and (illegitimate) vulgar
or opinion economics are blurred as the two levels of economic discourse overlap and
The symposium will gather economists as well as scholars from various disciplines, law and
sociology amongst others, who will contribute to cast light on the term  "legitimization".
Three prospects will be followed :
1. analysis of the construction of economics into a science  from the starting point of
its genesis and its endeavours to build itself into an autonomous science, of the
genealogy of concepts like "rationality", "rational anticipation".
2. analysis of the legitimation of economic discourse by scientific channels (academic
journals, think tanks...) and academic communities.
3. analysis of the borders and interactions between scientific (learned/academic)
discourse/ expert discourse and opinion or media discourse.
Papers should be sent before 15 October 2000 to : 
Bernard Maris / Colette Le Hénaff: 
Institut d'études européennes 
Université Paris 8 
2, rue de la Liberté 
93526 - Saint-Denis cedex 
Tél: 33 (0)1 49 40 66 69 
Fax: 33 (0)1 49 40 65 94 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
Philippe Jeannin:  
11, place Saintes-Scarbes 
31000 - Toulouse 
Tél: 33 (0)5 61 25 58 91 
Fax: 33 (0)5 61 55 30 69 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
Further information about the Institute of European Studies and the symposium is available
on its website :  http//iee2.batb1.univ-paris8.fr
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