----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
I already have Ingram's text at my site. Which of the books listed by Roger 
would be of most use to users of the site? 
Rod Hay 
Quoting "Roger E. Backhouse" <[log in to unmask]>: 
> 1. Collection of short works and extracts including McCulloch, Leslie 
> Stephen, Mavor, MacLeod, Cohn 
> 2. Blanqui (1837/8, Eng translation 1854) 
> 3. Twiss (1847) 
> 4. Cossa (1880, E trans 1893) 
> 5. Price (1891) 
> 6. Bonar (1893) 
> 7. Patten (1899) 
> 8. Gide and Rist (1909 E trans 1915) 
> 9.Haney (1911) 
> 10. Spann (1912, E trans 1930) 
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