----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
As an observer of the recent postings on "autism" in economics, I must say that I did not
take the use of autism to be a slur against the autistic nor a synonym (or equivalent
epithet) for "slime ball."  Indeed, as much as any
of us might agree with the initial charge that economic theory has carried economics in an
unfortunate direction, I would hope that we have not been reduced to calling each other
names or that Professor Rockoff prefers that we should be. Rather I took "autism" to be a
metaphor that directed attention to the narrow, hyperfocused, but often, in its own terms,
quite accomplished activity of the economic theorist.  There is a danger that in our
hypersensitivity we may cripple our discourse.  Or am I, to analogize to an infirmity
closer to home for me, simply myopic?
Kevin Hoover 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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