----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
[From John Lodewijks, announcing the newest issue of the HISTORY OF ECONOMICS REVIEW --
History of Economics Review 
No.31 Winter 2000 
Adam Smith and the theory of value (John F. Henry) 
The role of teleology in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (Richard Kleer) 
Political Economy from below: communitarian anarchism as a neglected 
discourse in histories of economic thought (Rob Knowles) 
Revisiting Giblin: Australia's first proto-Keynesian economist? (Alex 
Note: Economists who have influenced me (Graeme Dorrance) 
Review Articles: 
Ruskin on Political Economy (Gregory Moore) 
Frontiers of Post Keynesian and other heterodox economics: Essays in Honour 
of Geoff Harcourt (Allen Oakley) 
Review: The Making of Harrod's Economics (Steve Keen) 
HETSA 2000 Conference: conference program, abstracts, minutes and financial 
This issue is 118 pages. The cost is US $15, which includes postage. 
Yearly subscription (2 issues): Individual US $25, institutions US $40  
Make checks payable to HETSA and send to: 
John King 
Department of Economics and Finance 
La Trobe University 
Bundoora, Victoria 
Australia  3083  
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