I have recently started in a new position with the Saint John
Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative and wanted to share a little
about my work and invite your feedback and suggestions.  The Saint John
Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative began about three years ago when
a group of approximately 120 members of the business community decided to
become more actively involved in issues related to poverty in their
community.  Working groups were formed and through partnerships in the
community they were successful in learning a great deal about poverty, its
determinants and implementing initiatives directed at reducing poverty.

        Last year, in an effort to focus, a study was completed on behalf of
the business community.  The study identified the single parent family as a
primary opportunity for change, with the business community becoming further
energized. The recommendations range from the need for changes in public
policy to the need for increased support for specific community initiatives.
My role is to now work with the business community and community partners to
move the recommendations forward.

        I am still at the learning stage and would be interested in hearing
from anyone who is aware of community groups who have taken an approach
which has included business leaders as partners.  As well, I realize that
there is a huge amount of information available regarding the relationship
between poverty and health and I am seeking contacts, information, research,
etc., from both a community and academic perspective, about this issue.

        It is an exciting opportunity for change and I welcome your comments
and suggestions.

Anne Marie Maloney
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]