Dear Michel

I would love to be at your meeting to hear the issues about
competencies discussed.  But that is unlikely due to the distance
from Australia. We are  just completing a review of health
promotion competencies in Australia.  The list being reviewed is
based on that published in our article in the IUHPE Journal that you
edited, earlier this year.  We are using a Delphi questionnaire
process as part of our methodology.  The final round questionnaire
includes about 80 competencies for health promotion.

Will there be any proceedings of your meeting that I could

I have attached a copy of the summary relating to our current
review project, for your information.

Peter Howat

Date sent:              Sun, 1 Oct 2000 20:16:43 -0400
Send reply to:          Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]>
From:                   "Michel O'Neill" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:                symposium on teaching health promotion
To:                     [log in to unmask]

*** Sorry for crosspostings; the english version of a message sent
earlier in French to various lists. Pour celles et ceux qui l'ont
reçu en français, SVP noter que l'hôtel est bien le Crowne Plaza, et
non le Delta, tel que mentionné dans le message francophone. ***

Teaching Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes for Health Promotion in the
New Millennium

A Bilingual Symposium for Teachers of Health Promotion & Community
Health to be held in conjunction with The Canadian Public Health
Association National Meeting & Conference. Cosponsored by the
Canadian Consortium for Health Promotion Research, the Canadian
Association of Teachers of Community Health, the Canadian Public
Health Association and the Canadian Coalition on Enhancing
Preventative Practices for Health Professionals. This symposium will
be co-facilitated by Marcia Hills, University of Victoria and Michel
O'Neill, Laval University.

Sunday, October 22, 2000, 9:00 - 4:00
At the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario
Price: $40 for CATCH members
$50 for non-members
(lunch included)

The goal of this annual symposium is to provide an opportunity for
networking, to discuss and debate issues and to develop strategies to
address our priority issues in teaching health promotion.

Through interactive plenaries, workshops and round table discussions
the following issues, among others, will be explored;

… Are there core competencies in health promotion? If so, what are they?
… What are the pros and cons of using a competency-based approach in
health promotion courses and programs?
… Are the knowledge, skills and attitudes the same for undergraduate
and graduate students?
… Are the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required by practitioners
and researchers the same?
… What are the currently used pedagogical practices of people
teaching health promotion?
… How consistent are our current pedagogical practices with the
philosophy and principles of health promotion?
… Should our pedagogical practices be altered to reflect the health
promotion practices of the future?

This symposium will be of interest to all those who are teaching
health promotion or are interested in incorporating health
promotion into their existing course content.

Registration Form
Please make cheque or money order out to Canadian Association of
Teachers of Community Health and return completed form by October 10,
2000 to CPHA, 400-1565 Carling Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, K1Z 8B1 Fax:

Une tres bonne journee !

Michel O'Neill, Ph.D.

Professeur titulaire et Codirecteur, Groupe de recherche et d'intervention
en promotion de la sante (GRIPSUL), Faculte des Sciences infirmieres;
Codirecteur, Centre quebecois collaborateur de l'OMS pour le developpement
de villes et villages en sante / Quebec WHO Collaborating Center for the
development of healthy cities and towns;
4108-J Pavillon Comtois, Universite Laval, Quebec, Qc, Canada, G1K 7P4.
tel: +1-(418)-656-2131 #7431; telecopieur: +1-(418)-656-7747
Courrier electronique: [log in to unmask]
Peter Howat
Assoc Professor and Head
Dept Health Promotion
School of Public Health
Curtin University