----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
I am a new postgraduate at the University of Sheffield, England,  
just beginning a PhD, which will entail an examination of the  
economic writers of 17th-century England, together with economic  
legislation such as the Navigation Acts. As I come from a pure  
history background, I would welcome any suggestions for up-to- 
date reading on this matters from a 'history of economic thought'  
standpoint. I am also interested in the approach suggested by  
recent practitioners of the history of science (especially Steven  
Shapin), particularly so given that my subject of investigation also  
includes 17th-century scientific developments, in areas including  
chemistry/alchemy, astrology, and medicine. I would welcome any  
contact from those working in the area of 17th-century history of  
economic thought, and the approach suggested by history of  
Thomas Leng, University of Sheffield 
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