----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Richard Kahn visited America in 1932-33.  He wrote two letters to Keynes 
during this period.  I would be most grateful for any information about this 
1. is there any secondary literature about this visit or reflections on the 
1932 AEA meeting in Cincinnati?  Kahn wrote that "the dead hand of Kemmerer 
hung heavy on most of the proceedings" 
2. are there any other letters etc? 
3. Kahn referred to someone as "bric-a-brac" in one of the letters.  Does 
anyone know who this is? 
4. In 1932 Kahn wrote an essay on 'imperfect competition and the marginal 
principle' which the QJE rejected.  Was this ever published? 
Any information will be gratefully received. 
Robert Leeson 
Murdoch University  
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