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Harold Goodhue Vatter died on September 8 in his Portland, Oregon home. 
He was 89 years old and remained active in his field, teaching until a 
few weeks before his death. After receiving a Ph.D. in Economics at UC, 
Berkeley, where he was Head Teaching Fellow, he taught at Oregon State 
University and Carleton College. Vatter also was a Lilly Faculty 
Research Fellow at the University of Chicago. He came to Portland State 
in 1965 where he taught American Economic History and the History of 
Economic Thought. He was the author of more than a dozen 
books in his field, as well as hundreds of articles and book reviews. 
Two articles will soon appear, one, co-authored will appear in 
CHALLENGE next month. 
Submitted by DR. JOY SPALDING (spouse), 3041 NE 25th Avenue, Portland 
OR  97212 
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