----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
For those of you who recently received the call for papers for the 
History of Economics society conference at Wake Forest University, 
29 June - 2 July 2001, the conference web site is up and running, 
and the forms for submitting paper/session proposals are working. 
Dan Hammond, President-Elect and conference organizer encourages 
people to use the on-line forms. 
When registration and accomodation details for the conference have 
been finalized and announced, forms for registering and arranging 
accomodation at Wake Forest will also be provided. 
The conference web site is available from the Society web page: 
http://www.eh.net/HE/HisEcSoc/ and directly at 
Ross Emmett 
Manager, Electronic Information, History of Economics Society 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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