posted on behalf of Cindy Russell, North Bay District Health Unit

The North Bay and District Health Unit is hosting a Helping Hands conference
for anyone in the business of helping people.  Information about the
conference can be obtained by visiting Click the
heading "What's New" and then "Coming Events" to find the information.

The conference is November 1 and 2 at Clarion Resort, Pinewood Park in North
Bay. Exceptional speakers are coming to discuss healthy eating, injury
prevention, teen pregnancy, substance abuse prevention, physical activity
and behaviour change.
Speakers include Dr. Robert Conn (Smartrisk), Dr. Stephan Hotz (University
of Ottawa), Liz Pearson R.D., Valerie Lee (President - Infant & Toddler
Safety Association, Ron Douglas, Cindy Andrew, Wendy Burgoyne and David
Carmichael (Director- National Projects, ParticipACTION).

Evening workshops are free and open to the public.  Cost of the workshop is
$40 per day or $75 for 2 days.
For more information call (705) 474-1400 ext. 306