PAHO News Index:

This Week:
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Job Opportunity at PAHO: Translator
Deadline for applications: December 20, 2000.
Click here for full article:
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Comunidado de Prensa: OPS Impulsa acciones para controlar fiebre aftosa
en los paises de Sudamerica (available in Spanish only)
La organzacion Panamericana de la salud (OPS), en coordinacion con los paises de la region,
esta impulsando una serie de acciones inmedietas para enfrentar una situacion de emergencia
en Salud Animal, a causa de la reaparicion de Fiebre Aftosa en algunos paises de
Click here for full article:
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PS. If you do not have access to the Web, please let
us know.


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Synergy Online Index:

This Week:
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People's Health in a Globalizing World: The Case of India
South Asia Partnership (SAP) Canada invites you to a presentation on November 21, 2000
entitled "People's Health in a globalizing World : The Case of India" by Dr. Mira Shiva, Head,
Public Policy, Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI).
Click here for full article:
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CUSO Seeks Executive Director
Deadline for applications is November 22, 2000.
CUSO is a Canadian international development NGO with its head office in Ottawa.  The
Executive Director will be a highly experienced individual, deeply committed to social justice.
Click here for full article:
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PS. If you do not have access to the Web, please let us know.


Synergie-en-direct est un service offert par la
Societe canadienne de sante internationale.

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Sommaire de Synergie-en-direct:

Cette semaine:
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Sante et Mondialisation : Le Cas de l'Inde
La Societe des Partenaires Sud-Asiatiques du Canada presente "Sante et Mondialisation : Le
Cas de l'Inde" par Dr. Mira Shiva, Responsable des affaires publiques, Voluntary Health
Association of India (VHAI) le mardi 21 novembre.
Pour l'information complete, visitez :
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CUSO est a la recherche d'un(e) Directeur(trice) General(e)
La date limite de soumission des candidatures est le 22 novembre.  CUSO est une ONG
canadienne ayant son siege a Ottawa.  La personne a la Direction generale a enormement
d'experience et croit profondement a la justice sociale.
Pour l'information complete, visitez :
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PS. Si vous n'avez pas acces au Web, veuillez nous le faire savoir.
