PAHO News Index:

This Week:
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PAHO Makes World AIDS Day Appeal to Men to Help Control AIDS Epidemic
PAHO appealed to men to "exert their influence to help control the AIDS epidemic by avoiding
behaviors that put them at risk of HIV infection and transmitting the infection to their sex
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Message of the PAHO Director on World AIDS Day 2000
Every December 1st we commemorate World AIDS Day, remembering those who have suffered
or still suffer directly or indirectly from the ravages of this disease. This year's slogan, "Men
make a difference," is an appeal to men to exert their influence to help control the AIDS epidemic
by avoiding behaviors that put them at risk of HIV infection and transmittting the infection to their
sex partners.
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HIV and AIDS in the Americas: An Epidemic With Many Faces
As the HIV epidemic enters its third decade, the challenges it poses to families, to societies, to
governments and to science continue to grow. The more we learn about HIV and the behaviors
that spread it, the more we are forced to recognize the diversity of the global pandemic.
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The NLM, CRID and PAHO Join Forces to Improve Access to Information on Health & Disasters
CRID, the Regional Disaster Information Center, with support from the U.S. National Library of
Medicine (NLM) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), has begun a new project to
improve access to health and disaster information sources in two highly disaster-prone countries:
Honduras and Nicaragua.
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us know.


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Synergy Online Index:

This Week:
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Call for Proposals: CSIH NetCorps Information Technology Internship Placements
The Canadian Society for International Health, as a member of Industry Canada's NetCorps
Canada International program, is seeking information technology-oriented placements with
recognized health organizations.  Placements would start on or after April 2001 and must be
completed by March 2002.
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4th Canadian National Immunization Conference
About 800 physicians, nurses, public health officials, and others are expected to be in Halifax
next week for the 4th Canadian National Immunization Conference, December 3 to 6, organized
by Health Canada in collaboration with the Canadian Paediatric Society and the Nova Scotia
Department of Health.
Click here for full article:
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Call for Child Protection Experts
CANADEM is looking for Canadians with expertise in all aspects of child protection who are
interested in being considered for international missions. CANADEM is funded by Foreign Affairs,
so there is no charge to register. Similarly there is no charge to the end users such as the UN,
OSCE, NGOs, or Canadian government.
Click here for full article:
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CPHA Seeks a Project Coordinator, Family & Reproductive Health Project
The Malawi Family and Reproductive Health Project supports national reproductive health goals
and strategies in Malawi through strengthening community capacities, and actions for issues
such as safe motherhood, family planning, safer youth sexuality, and male involvement;
strengthening the capacity of Primary Health Care services to meet community priorities and
demand.  Please remit a resume and cover letter by Friday, December 15, 2000
Click here for full article:
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Life Support for Less than $2 Per Person
35 million people currently struggle to survive the consequences of natural and man-made
disasters. The World Health Organization is appealing for $60 million to safeguard the health of
these communities and save countless lives - as part of the UN's humanitarian appeals for 2001.
Click here for full article:
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PS. If you do not have access to the Web, please let us know.


Synergie-en-direct est un service offert par la
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Cette semaine:
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Appel d'offres : Stages Cyberjeunes en technologies de l'information et des communications de
la SCSI, 2001-2002
La Societe canadienne de sante internationale, membre de la Coalition Cyberjeunes Canada
International d'Industrie Canada, recherche des organisations hotes pour accueillir des
stagiaires. Si votre organisation est interessee a recevoir un(e) stagiaire pour une periode de six
a neuf mois, nous vous demandons de soumettre votre demande au plus tard le 12 janvier 2001.
Les stages doivent commencer au plus tot en avril 2001 et doivent se terminer avant mars 2002.
Pour l'information complete, visitez :
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4e Conference canadienne nationale sur l'immunization
Environ 800 medecins, infirmieres, responsables de la sante publique et autres personnes
interessees se reuniront a Halifax du 3 au 6 decembre 2000 dans le cadre de la 4e Conference
canadienne nationale sur l'immunisation qui est organisee par Sante Canada en collaboration
avec la Societe canadienne de pediatrie et le ministere de la Sante de la Nouvelle-Ecosse.
Pour l'information complete, visitez :
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Expert(e)s demande(e)s en protection de l'enfance
CANADEM est a la recherche de Canadiens et de Canadiennes possedant une expertise dans
tous les domaines associes a la protection de l'enfance et interesses a faire partie de missions
internationales.  Finance par le ministere des Affaires etrangeres, CANADEM n'exige aucun frais
d'inscription de votre part, ou de la part des usagers qui font appel a ses services, tels que les
Nations Unies, l'OSCE, les ONG ou le gouvernement canadien.
Pour l'information complete, visitez :
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L'ACSP Recherche un(e) Coordinateur ou coordinatrice de Projet de sante familiale et
genesique, Programmes internationaux
Le projet de sante familiale et genesique est d'appuyer les objectifs et les strategies nationales
pour la sante genesique au Malawi grace au renforcement des moyens communautaires et a la
mise en oeuvre de mesures dans des domaines comme la protection de la maternite, la
planification des naissances, la sexualite des jeunes a moindre risque, et la participation des
hommes, ainsi qu'au renforcement des services de soins de sante primaires pour repondre aux
priorites et aux besoins des communautes.  Veuillez envoyer votre curriculum vitae accompagne
d'une lettre d'ici le vendredi 15 decembre 2000.
Pour l'information complete, visitez :
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Sauver des vies pour moins de 2$ US par personne
Trente-cinq millions de personnes luttent actuellement pour survivre aux consequences de
catastrophes naturelles ou dues a l'homme. L'Organisation mondiale de la sante (OMS) lance un
appel - au titre des appels humanitaires des Nations Unies pour 2001- afin de mobiliser 60$ US
millions pour proteger la sante de ces communautes et sauver de nombreuses vies.
Pour l'information complete, visitez :
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