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Thanks to Mike Lynch for clarifying this. The dates I gave for E.B. Wilson 
is wrong. There are actually THREE E.B. Wilsons: 
Edwin Bidwell Wilson, 1879-1964 - the statistician/mathematician 
Edgar Bright Wilson, 1908-1992 - the physicist/chemist 
Edmund Beecher Wilson, 1856-1939 - the zoologist/biologist 
E.B. Wilson must be such a lucky name! 
In his "Stabilizing Dynamics", Weintraub (1991) doesn't actually spell 
out E.B. Wilson's name (nor does Samuelson for that matter), but, in a 
footnote, Weintraub claims he is basing his account on a 1973 biographical 
memoir entitled "Edwin Bidell Wilson".  So there we have it. 
The full dates of Edwin Bidell Wilson are 25 April 1879 - 28 December 1964. 
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