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Another Austrian site which is well worth a look is Chris Sciabarra's. 
Chris is the author of 'Marx, Hayek and Utopia', 'Ayn Rand: the Russian 
Radical', 'Total Freedom', and editor of the Rand journal, so his 
Austrian/libertarian credentials are impeccable. 
At the same time, his is critical of some internal strands in Austrian 
economics/philosophy (such as the Rothbardian stream), and can see links 
with other traditions which other Austrians do not necessarily 
perceive--for instance, in 'Marx, Hayek and Utopia', Chris argues that 
Hayek's philosophy was essentially dialectical, and also that his 
free-market preferred world was as utopian (and therefore as flawed in 
construction) as Marx's non-market vision. 
Chris's web page is: 
Steve Keen 
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