----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
>It is precisely in this respect that the characteristics of jointness and 
>non-exclusion, when properly understood from the property rights 
>show their relevance. And it is precisely for this reason that I regard 
>Samuelson's exercises as part of the dark ages. 
This is simply absurd! I don't know about Coase himself, but the use of his 
work among Coasians such as yourself seems to be a exercise in ideology.  
You insist that we use your vocabulary, which lumps together apples,  
oranges and pears and calls them all transactions costs. There are no  
*ideas* in Coase that weren't already around. What's new is an obfuscating  
vocabulary whose main role is to bash the government and offer more  
apologies for laissez-faire. 
Kevin Quinn 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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