The smartest person I've ever met regarding Bixby and Twain - and the river - was Tommy Thompson, ace banjo picker with the Chapel Hill-based Red Clay Ramblers Band. He had worked for the Corps of Engineers on the Lower Miss, to support his music habit, before he and a partner at UNC did a well-researched musical for the Playmakers' Theatre in Chapel Hill called simply "Life on the Mississippi." I produced the play and played Bixby, about a dozen+ years ago in San Francisco. He visited the production, and we had a lively chat about Bixby. Only a touch of Thompson's knowledge was in the play. You could probably reach Tommy through the Ramblers' record producer (Rhino, maybe? Flying Fish? - should be easy to find) in Chicago, or by writing a plain postcard or letter to Playmakers' Theatre, affiliated with UNC in Chapel Hill, NC. (I'm in Poland, or I'd check it personally) Richard Reineccius, Lodz, PL