----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
York-Toronto History of Economics Workshop 
Winter 2001 
February 2      John Smithin, York University 
                "Macroeconomic Theory, (Critical) Realism and Capitalism" 
March 9         Don Moggridge, University of Toronto 
                "'Maynard would not have wished*?'  Second-Guessing the 
                Author of 'The Balance of Payments of the United States'" 
March 23        Malcolm Rutherford, University of Victoria 
                "Institutional Economics at Columbia University" 
April 6         Allan Hynes, University of Toronto 
                "Facts Before Theory: The Emergence of Two Hypotheses" 
All workshops will take place at 4 pm in Room 119 Woodsworth College, 
119 St. George St., University of Toronto 
Organizers: Allan Hynes and Avi Cohen.  For more information, or to 
arrange dinner with the speaker, contact Allan Hynes (416) 978-4189, 
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