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Announcing the publication of HISTORY OF ECONOMICS REVIEW issue 32, Summer 
2000, and a special SUPPLEMENT,'Essays in Biography: Australian 
Economists', by H.W. Arndt. The contents pages of both volumes are 
HISTORY OF ECONOMICS REVIEW  is the twice-yearly journal of the History of 
Economic Thought Society of Australia, and is published at cost-price by 
Society, which has resolved to avoid entanglement with commercial 
publishers. Annual subscriptions are US5 (individuals) and US0 
(institutions). We are keen to increase our overseas subscriptions, and 
to attract more submissions from scholars outside Australia, to whom we 
offer prompt referees' reports and speedy publication (normally in the next 
issue) after acceptance. Sample copies are available upon request, in 
hard-copy or electronic forms, from the editor: 
John King 
Department of Economics and Finance 
La Trobe University 
Victoria 3086 
tel.: 61 3 9479 1707 
fax : 61 3 9479 1654 
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