----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
This is a reminder that the deadline for nominating articles for the HES 
Best Article 2000 prize is rapidly approaching.  Any article with a 2000 
publication date in the history of economic thought is eligible.  
Self-nominations are acceptable.  The winner will be announced at the HES 
annual meetings in Winston-Salem, North CArolina.  To nominate an article 
please send three (3) hard copies to me at the following address: 
Jeffrey Young 
Department of Economics 
University of Glasgow 
Glasgow G12 8RT 
Please, only one nomination per person.  The deadline is 1 March, 2001. 
Thank you.  Questions may be addressed to me at [log in to unmask] or 
[log in to unmask] 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]