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On technical change in the HET, John Rae (1834) is a key reference -  
arguably the first to treat technical change ('invention') as the  
primary cause of economic growth. A good starting point would be the  
essays in:  
The Economics of John Rae, ed. D. Mair, C. Lee, and O. Hamouda, London: 
Routledge, 1998. 
A. Brewer 'Economic growth and technical change: John Rae's critique of  
Adam Smith'.  History of Political Economy, 23, 1991, pp. 1-12. 
S. Ahmad 'Smith's division of labour and Rae's "invention": a study of 
the second dichotomy with an evaluation of the first', History of  
Political Economy, 28, 1996, pp. 441-58.  
Tony Brewer 
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