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Cool question! 
For starters it is worth reading Hume's "Of National Characters" (it makes 
uncomfortable reading, however) and "Of Refinement in the arts".  Both 
are not very long and reprinted in Liberty Fund's cheap Essays, Moral, 
Political, and Literary.  
In Smith, besides the passages already mentioned, the student may want to 
at Book V of Wealth of Nations, especially the discussion of national 
(V.i.a) and education (V.i.f-g). 
Finally, the student may want to look at Adam Smith's "Letter to the 
Editors of 
the Edinburgh Review" (reprinted in Essays on Philosophic Subjects) in 
Smith advocates taking a European (as opposed to a narrow national) 
of literature and arts/sciences and about b) different national styles of 
science/philosophy.  This is also not very long. 
I don't know of any secondary literature on this topic, although Donald 
1978 book may not be a bad place to start looking.  (See also his essay on 
cosmopolitianism in the Hont & Ignatieff volume.) 
Eric Schliesser 
University of Chicago 
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