----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
I received an information from a JSHET member, Masao Watanabe (Hitotsubashi 
University: [log in to unmask]). 
Michio Akama (Ehime University) 
Open University (Japan) produced the following video titles: 
J.S.Mill and his wage-fund theory 
Adam Smith and "Wealth of Nations" 
A. Cournot and his mathematical economics 
J.M.Keynes and his "General Theory" 
Jevons and his arbitration theory 
Marshall and the Cambridge School 
Marx and "Das Kapital" 
Menger and the Austrian School 
Ricardo and his macro distirbutional theory 
Walras and his general equibrium theory 
The classic school and the marginal revolution 
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For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]