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Patinkin Conference 
Centre Walras-Pareto 
University of Lausanne, 20-22 September 2001 
On the initiative of Pascal Bridel (Universite de Lausanne) and Michel De 
Vroey (Universite catholique de Louvain), the Centre Walras-Pareto of the 
University of Lausanne is organising a Conference on Don Patinkin. As the 
author of Money, Interest and Prices and many other books and articles, 
Professor Patinkin is one of the most influential post World-War theorists. 
The organisers' motivation lies in their admiration for Patinkin's work and 
their perception of the important role he played in the unfolding of modern 
economic theory. The aim of the conference is to assess Patinkin's role and 
place in the unfolding of modern economic theory. Time has come for a 
critical assessment of his work. 
There will be four sessions devoted respectively to Patinkin and Monetary 
Theory, Patinkin as an Historian of Economics and Patinkin and Keynesian 
Theory (two sessions). 
1.Mario Amendola (University di Roma-La Sapienza), Jean-Luc Gaffard 
(Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Institut Universitaire de France et 
Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques), Unemployment as a 
Disequilibirium Phenomenon: the Patinkin Perspective Revisited 
2.Roger Backhouse (Birmingham University), Patinkin as a chronicler of 
the Keynesian Revolution 
3.Ingo Barens (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt), Patinkin on 
Keynesian Economics and Hicksian IS-LM 
4.Mauro Boianovsky (Universidade de Brasilia), Patinkin on Involuntary 
Unemployment and the Aggregate Supply Function 
5.Pascal Bridel (University of Lausanne), Patinkin on Walras 
6.Robert Dimand (Brock University), Patinkin on Irving Fisher's 
Monetary Economics 
7.Frank Hahn (University of Cambridge), The Dichotomy Once Again 
8.Edith Klimovski (Mexico University), Unvoluntary Unemployment and 
Neo-classical Synthesis: D. Patinkin's theory 
9.Robert Leeson (Murdoch University), Patinkin, Keynes, Chicago and 
Friedman: resolving the dispute over the quantity theory oral tradition 
10.Robert Leeson (Murdoch University) and Warren Young (Bar-Illan 
University), Patinkin, Expectations, and Chicago 
11.Stephen Meardon and Elizabeth Smith (Williams College), Tactics and 
Outcomes in Patinkin's Twin Battles: the Last Skirmish of "Keynes and the 
Classics" and the "Rehabilitation" of Keynesian Economics 
12.Michel Rosier (Universite de Marne-la-Vallee), Patinkin versus 
Archibald and Lipsey 
13.Sylvie Rivot (Universite Louis-Pasteur, Strasbourg), Patinkin on 
Involuntary Unemployment: Are Wage Cuts a Good Remedy to Unemployment? 
14.Perry Mehrling (Columbia University), What was Monetary Walrasianism? 
15.Goulven Rubin (Universite de Paris X, Nanterre), Involuntary 
Unemployment, Disequilibrium and Stability 
16.Shauna Saunders (Duke University), What counts as a contribution to 
the history of economic thought? Patinkin as HOPE referee 
17.Dario Togati (University degli Studi di Torino), Patinkin on the 
Principle of Effective Demand 
18.Michel de Vroey (Universite de Louvain-la-Neuve), Can adjustment 
slowness explain market rationing? A critical re-examination of Patinkin's 
involuntary unemployment theory 
The organizers plan to have a small size conference leaving enough time for 
a fair presentation of the papers and cross-discussions. All sessions will 
be plenary. Papers will be distributed ahead of the Conference. 
On the basis of the first-in first-served principle, the Conference will be 
open to non-contributors up to a limit of fifty people. 
University of Lausanne, Centre Walras-Pareto, 1015 Lausanne-Dorigny 
Sfrancs : 250.- (including two luncheons, the Conference dinner and the 
Conference papers). The Walras-Pareto Centre can provide potential 
participants with a list of reasonably-priced hotels in the Lausanne area. 
Write, mail or fax Prof. Pascal BRIDEL 
Universite de Lausanne, Centre Walras-Pareto, 
1015 Lausanne-Dorigny (Suisse/Switzerland) 
tel. : +41 21 692 28 41 
fax : +41 21 692 28 45 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
The Conference Web Site is regularly updated and can be found under the 
following address: 
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