Dear Celestine

Many journals require that all authors sign a permission to publish form
before accepting a final version of the manuscript.  They do not have
permission to include your name without your permission.  Your best
recourse is to write to the journal editor and indicate what had
happened.  The journal can publish a rejoinder in the next issue
indicating what had happened.  If you have no problem withe the paper,
you may want to have the editor send a reprimand to the submitting first
author instead.

Good luck!

Bill Ward, President
International Marketing Services
mailto:[log in to unmask]

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 12:12:04 -0500 celestine Tsobou <[log in to unmask]>
> Hi everyone.
> I want to have your opinion about my concern.  Here it is : four
> years ago I
> participated in an MTS and VIH study in pregnant women.  The study
> was
> conducted in Africa and initiated by an european organism. Since
> then, I
> left my country for Canada and I was surprised to find out that the
> results
> of the study were published with my name on it.  I know that there
> was some
> ethical problems.  Do they have the right to do that without my
> permission?»
> Célestine.
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