>From: "Mollie E. Butler" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Global Movement for Children
>Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 07:50:55 -0700
>Subject: Global Movement for Children
>The Global Movement for Children is a global effort to ensure that children
>are in the forefront of political, social and economic issues. It spans
>many agencies and individuals working for children in many countries. We
>are using the internet to raise awareness on issues facing today's children
>and also to collect votes which will be presented to Heads of States when
>they meet in September in New York for the first United Nations General
>Assembly Special Session on Children.
>If you could go to the site, take some time to read about what UNICEF is
>doing and, if you feel you want to, vote on the issues that you feel are
>important to today's children. Please send this email to friends and ask
>them to visit the site.
>The address is http://www.unicef.org/gmc/
>Thanks in advance!

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