----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
        Craufurd Goodwin or Bob Dimand may know.  I should, but I 
temporize.  The first Professor of Economics, the first Professor of 
History or Political Science who taught something like Economics, or 
the first professor who taught a course in Economics, using (say) 
Marshall's PRINCIPLES, or J.B. Clark's text, or, indeed, one of the 
Classical economist's texts? 
        W.J. Ashley held the first Chair in Economics, or something like 
Economics, at the University of Toronto in the 1890s.  Well, that is what 
comes to mind. 
        While you chew on this, I will rummage through GOODWIN and through 
NEILL to see what is there;  even though Bob Dimand will come up with the 
answer before I get back. 
Robin Neill 
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