----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Regarding the query about the use of the word valorize: 
As the OED says: of valorize 
"trans. To raise or stabilize the value of (a commodity, etc.) by a centrally organized
scheme; gen. to evaluate, to make valid. Hence valorized ppl. a. 1921 Contemp. Rev. July
53 It attempted both to regulate the output and to stabilise and to valorise the prices.
1934 C. LAMBERT Music Ho! II. 79 Artists..have valorized the dream. 1976 T. EAGLETON Crit.
& Ideology v. 164 Criticism becomes a mutually supportive dialogue between two highly
valorised subjects: the valuable text and the valuable reader. 1976 Daily Tel. 1 Nov. 16
Merely valorising specific duties..to recoup inflation since April would bring in A3250
million. 1978 Daedalus Summer 48 The Emile and the Contrat social provide the explanation
of the positively valorized concepts (virtue, morals, patriotism). 1984 Christian Science
Monitor 2 Mar. B8/4 He has actually managed to suggest that the mire and blood, the refuse
of the embittered heart, is valorized by the poetic artifacts created from it."
As Sam will note, the modern usage, especially in scholarly studies, is as I have
suggested; govenment price supports are hardly relevent, of course. (I think acess to the
OED is important for scholars in our field.)
E. Roy Weintraub 
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